What I did is that I deleted my old ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua, copied the default one (on Arch linux it is in /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua) and recreated widget for switching keyboard layouts.
So here's code of widget:
-- keyboard switcher
-- Keyboard map indicator and changer
kbdswitcher = {}
kbdswitcher.cmd = "setxkbmap"
kbdswitcher.layout = { { "us", "" }, { "cz", "qwerty" } }
kbdswitcher.current = 1 -- us is our default layout
kbdswitcher.widget = wibox.widget.textbox()
kbdswitcher.widget:set_text(" " .. kbdswitcher.layout[kbdswitcher.current][1] .. " ")
kbdswitcher.switch = function ()
kbdswitcher.current = kbdswitcher.current % #(kbdswitcher.layout) + 1
local t = kbdswitcher.layout[kbdswitcher.current]
kbdswitcher.widget:set_text(" " .. t[1] .. " ")
os.execute( kbdswitcher.cmd .. " " .. t[1] .. " " .. t[2] )
-- Mouse bindings
awful.button({ }, 1, function () kbdswitcher:switch() end)
you can just copy&paste this into your rc.lua (I have it under definition of mytextclock widget) and it should do the trick.
Don't forget to add keyboard switcher to your widgets to display, I have it after clock widget in right corner:
PS: yes, for those of you who noticed, the widget is not my by origin, I merely updated it to work under awesome 4.5
Don't forget to add keyboard switcher to your widgets to display, I have it after clock widget in right corner:
And if you want to use keyboard shortcut in addition to mouse to switch layouts, add this to globalkeys array:right_layout:add(mytextclock)right_layout:add(kbdswitcher.widget)
-- Alt + Right Shift switches the current keyboard layout
awful.key({ "Mod1" }, "Shift_L", function () kbdswitcher:switch() end),
I hope this will be useful to anyone ^_^
PS: yes, for those of you who noticed, the widget is not my by origin, I merely updated it to work under awesome 4.5
thx, works perfectly!